Tips To Stop Smoking

no smoking

Quitting smoking is a daunting task that involves breaking a habit. To deal with it accordingly, you need to withdraw any symptoms that would make you crave for nicotine. There is no short cut to giving up smoking and it takes a lot of power to do so.

Tips on how to quit smoking

More exercise


Research shows that exercise is one of the best way to kill your cravings. When you quit smoking, you tend to have more energy which if not used well is risky as you get back to smoking. Use that energy to go for and get enough fresh air.

Change drinking habits

For most smokers, cigarettes goes along with lunchtime beer or morning coffee. It is easier to break the smoking habit if you can break your daily routine. May try changing the beer you drink. Instead of morning coffee resort to tea in the morning. This helps remove your perception of the association between your drinks and cigarettes.

Give away or throw cigarettes

A day before you let go, endure you remove all the packets of cigarettes you had left, lighters and anything that will remind you about smoking. Give them out or throw them to avoid temptation of smoking. The more you keep them away from you, the more you resist the urge when you crave.

Have a strategy


The craving for nicotine normally lasts for five minutes before starting to fade off. Find a way of distracting yourself for these five minutes. You can eat mints, make a phone or take a short walk.  It is all about occupying yourself as you wait for your craving for nicotine to wear out.

List your reasons for quitting

Make a list containing all the reasons you have why you are taking that step to quit smoking. This will give you some reference any time to feel like lighting a cigar. You can list reasons like money, health or family.

Change your diet

Cigarettes tend taste better when you have eaten heavy, flavored foods and boring after having sweet foods. A research indicates that smokers smoke less after having a fruit or vegetable. Changing your diet will be very helpful in combating smoking.

What you gain when you quit smoking is beyond just health. It means you will better yourself and save money too. It may seem quite difficult for you but these tips will help you a great deal.
