Healthy Plant-Based Protein Meals


There is a lot of controversy surrounding protein from plants consumption and a plant-based lifestyle. What many fail to see is that plants have all the nutrition humans need to thrive. As humans, we can produce nine of the 20 amino acids ourselves, so the other 11 must be provided by what we consume. As long as you eat a wide variety of plant-based foods and consume enough total calories throughout the day, you are very likely to reach your daily calorie intake goal.

We cannot stress enough the importance of a variety of food choices. If all you eat every day is potato chips, chances are you are not meeting your protein needs. This is a huge mistake made by those who switch to a plant-based lifestyle.  Here we’ve compiled a list of three protein-rich dishes. We make sure to keep these dishes in a continuous rotation in our home to ensure we are consistently eating an adequate protein amount.

Tofu Bowl


One of our favorite dishes is our Kale Buddha Bowl. It’s super easy to make and also has very few ingredients. These bowls keep in the fridge for about a week, so they are wonderful to make and can also be made in large quantities. Feel free to bring in other vegetables of your choice. Occasionally, we swap out the quinoa base for brown rice. So you can easily have 20g or more with this meal.

Lentil Stew

Not only is this lentil stew packed with fiber, protein, and lentils, but it will keep you warm during the cold winter months. We like to make this recipe in the Instant Pot because the lentils only take about 20 minutes to cook on the stove. This is a quick one-pot recipe. If you’ve ever had Bertucci’s Lentil Soup, this is what we tried to replicate. There’s little to do. A huge bowl of this stew contains almost 20g.


Chili Soup

This is one of our quickest dishes to make; it usually only takes about 15 minutes – you can never go wrong with a chili! We topped it with a few slices of vegan cheese. With 5g of protein per slice (and if you’re like us and dip more than one slice), you’ll get an extremely healthy dose of nutrition with this particular meal. This meal contains 20 grams of protein.

A Short Medical Study of Salt Therapy


Salt therapy is considered the best natural treatment these days when it comes to treating respiratory diseases. Even now, many companies open a fitness club designed for yoga in a salt cave. You can learn more about it at Salt therapy has proved to increase respiratory resistance to colds and allergens significantly. For some respiratory disorders, the positive effect could be noticed the first night of use. Salt treatment has been a natural remedy for asthma since ancient times.

Research on the Effects of Salt Therapy in Human’s Respiratory Quality

bath salt

Experts from the high academic institutions from multiple European countries participated at The 19th International Symposium of Speleotherapy, another name for salt therapy. Many experts from different expertise, such as Pulmonoogy, Allergology, and many more gathered to share their research studies on the effects of salt therapy in respiratory conditions generating mineralized salt that is being ionized using some kinds of sprayer.

They presented speleotherapy in salt mines and caves, from prehistoric times to current methods. It includes halotherapy or sodium treatment which is the standard of curative aspects. Those curative aspects include microclimate, physical, chemical and microbiological results and those obtained today for wellness tourism and balneotherapy. Experimental results in the laboratory on various diseases and clinical, immunological and other results in patients with various disorders were also demonstrated. Indications and contraindications were discussed, along with various procedures for salt treatment in prophylaxis, therapy, and treatment of patients with various diseases.

Importance of Salt Therapy for Curing Respiratory Diseases

The effect of living near roads and the current increase in air pollution on respiratory disease and the impact of eliminating these variables was another fascinating study—the analysis states. Prolonged exposure to salt treatment helps strengthen the respiratory mucosa against allergens and maintains good hygiene throughout the respiratory system. Home salt treatment can be used in cases of prolonged exposure to chronic respiratory diseases.

The anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effects of salt treatment – salt spray treatment and salt baths – on skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, chronic rashes, wounds, and burns was another interesting topic of the symposium. Bronchial obstruction is a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and salt sprays are also considered the best therapy methods.


Studies on the Effectiveness of Salt Therapy to Treat Pneumonia

Pneumonia is intended to affect a vulnerable immune system, such as that of children or the elderly. Salt treatment is safe for all these age groups because it is completely drug-free and has no harmful side effects. Squeamish children who do not like to take medicine will not even notice when they inhale these microscopic particles. Salt treatment can also be used to protect against pneumonia. The more often the salt treatment is done, the more sterile the respiratory system will be. A fresh respiratory system allows the system. 


Essential Healthy Diet Tips to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

The cardiovascular disease had been attacked many people around the globe. This is due to the bad habit and lifestyle that today’s people perform. Cardiovascular is indeed dangerous as it can cause on premature mortality. You can read more about this disease at this source. While you probably know that certain foods can increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, it’s often challenging to change your eating habits. Whether you’ve been eating unhealthily for many years or want to correct your diet, here are some essential tips on how to follow a heart-healthy eating plan.

Be Mindful of What and How Much You Eat

The first thing you need to keep in mind is how much you eat is as essential as what you eat. If you overload your plate, which means you eat too fast and don’t stop until you feel full, you’ve probably taken in more calories than you need. In this case, you should eat larger portions of low-carb and nutrient-rich foods. Those include fruits and vegetables. You also need to consume smaller quantities of foods high in calories and sodium, such as fast food, processed foods, or refined foods.

Consume Vegetables and Fruits More

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Fruits and vegetables are also low in carbohydrates and high in fiber. Eating more vegetables and fruits can reduce your use of higher-calorie foods such as meat, cheese, and snacks. Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet can be fairly simple. Store cut and cleaned vegetables in the refrigerator for a quick snack. Place vegetables in a container in the kitchen, so you don’t forget to eat them. Choose recipes with fruits or vegetables as the main ingredient, such as fresh fruit mixed into salads.

Choose Your Protein Food Wisely

Lean meats, fish and poultry, eggs, and low-fat dairy products would be the best nutrition sources. But be sure to choose low-fat selections, such as skim milk instead of whole milk and skinless chicken breast instead of fried chicken burgers. Fish is another great option to replace high-fat meats. Replacing animal protein with plant-based protein reduces cholesterol and fat intake and increases fiber intake.

Limit the Amount of Saturated and Trans Fat

Fat is an important step in reducing cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. High blood sugar levels can cause a buildup of platelets in blood vessels, known as “atherosclerosis,” which can increase heart attack and stroke risk. You can also use carbohydrate substitutes whenever possible to eat a heart-healthy diet. You might also want to check the data labels on some cookies, cakes, frosting, water cookies, and potato chips, which many of these foods – even those that say “low fat” – may be made with oils that contain trans fats. One sign that a portion of food contains some trans fat would be using the term “partially hydrogenated” in the ingredient list.

Avoid Consuming Too Much Salt

Eating a lot of sodium can contribute to high sodium levels. Reducing sodium intake is an essential part of a heart-healthy diet plan. While adding less salt to foods when they are already served or cooked is a great first step, most of the salt you have available comes from processed or canned foods, such as soups, stews themselves are steps that will allow you to reduce the amount of salt you consume. Be wary of dishes that suggest a lower salt content as you experiment with sea salt instead of regular table salt. Sea salt has the same nutritional value as regular salt.

Three Strategies to Overcome Work-Related Stress


We all have grown accustomed to the urban lifestyle. Most of us spend eight to twelve hours in the office, go back home at 7 pm, and sleep. On the weekend, some of us exercise, while some others socialize or pursue their hobbies. It seems like only the selected few who can maintain a balanced level of health, social life, and career. As a result, work-related stress becomes a serious yet neglected issue. And once it gets severe, you may turn into unhealthy living habits, such as smoking, using drugs, and abusing alcohol.

Plan a Retreat Vacation


All city dwellers must have a retreat vacation once in a while. It is a potent prescription for stress, and if you’ve never done it before, you’ll gain new experience that will help your personality to grow. Read the issues on Active Man to learn how adventure can bring positive changes to a person’s life.

There are many kinds of retreat trip. First, you can rent a log cabin in the suburb and try to live there without any modern facilities. Not only will this plan reignite your inner flame, but it can also teach you to be self-sustaining. Second, a retreat tip can be a journey to wellness and self-actualization. And for this type of plan, South East Asia is where you want to go. Bali, Bangkok, or Philippine are three countries famous for their wellness tourism.

Workout in a Group

Working out is supposed to be healthy, but if you do it alone for a long time, it can turn into another stress-inducing factor in your life. And if you’ve felt such a setback, it is time to make some friends during your exercise.

First, you can try to join a yoga class. Yoga has been practiced for centuries by Indians, and its ultimate goal is to exercise your body and mind altogether. Second, parkour communities or gymnastic groups are also your options. Working out indoors does not mean that you have to use the same and boring fitness machine every day, you know?

Improve Your Sleep


Sometimes, all the stress we have is rooted in our lack of sleep. Ask yourself if you have had quality sleeps lately. It actually does not matter if you spend your time on the bed for less than six hours, as long as it rejuvenates you enough. The goal is to have good quality rest.

First, you can try to schedule a nap if that is possible. If it is not, then you have to allocate your after-work time purely for resting. Examine the situation in your bedroom. Check if the lighting is properly set up, all stuff is organized, and if there is no disturbance that can ruin your sleep.

Essential Home Remedies for Shoulder Pain

shoulder pain

Maybe you had spent some precious time with your kids playing with them and lifting them up on your shoulders while at home. After all the fun, you start feeling a sharp pain in your shoulder. You might tend to ignore it for some weeks, but the pain keeps getting more severe that you must deal with it. You might need to book an appointment with your doctor, but you can also heal your shoulder pain naturally while still at home. Here are few natural remedies that will relieve the shoulder pain.

Relieve Stress

Knowing the primary cause of your shoulder pain is the primary key to healing it. Having stress may lead to shoulder pain. You should first allow your shoulder to rest from overbearing weight and exercises. Then next check on your everyday habits like sleeping positions, posture and any other motions that can lead to shoulder pain.

Strengthen Your Rhomboids


Rhomboids refer to the muscles between the shoulders. They help in the movement of shoulders. Having healthy rhomboid muscles will assist to hold both your shoulders back, make it easy to pull, reach and push effectively and also aid in supporting your arm weight.

Ice It

You will get to know that shoulder pain is mostly as a result of inflammation of your tendons and you can use ice as a remedy for it. Ice cubes will get relief slowly down the flow of blood in the affected area. Place the ice on your shoulder for twenty minutes and keep it elevated. Besides, hold your hand on the back because it will help to bring out your rotator cuff tendons from being hidden under your shoulder bone. Ice the affected area like three times each day.

Mind Your Neck


You might not know that neck issues can cause shoulder pain. Your neck and shoulders are connected intimately to each other and have a significant effect on each other. Having smooth neck stretches will help a lot, and you can quickly do it while at home. If you want to reduce shoulder and neck pain, you should remove old mattress and pillows and replace with a new pillow which is thick to offer support.

Keep Your Elbow by Your Side

You should make sure that you keep the elbow on your side during shoulder pain to relax your shoulder. You can make use of an armrest or arm sling to help relieve the extra pain however you are not supposed to use it for long.

Benefits Of Orange Peels

The peels of many fruits are rich in compounds that are beneficial to the body, and orange peels are one of them. It is no doubt that such benefits are overlooked by many people, and if you are one of them, this article will enlighten you. While the orange contains enzymes and nutrients, its peels are an excellent source of antioxidants and histamine suppressing compounds. In whatever form – dry or fresh – the orange peels remain beneficial. You may want to dry them if you are planning on using them for long.

Why you should not throw orange peels

Air freshening

Do you have a bad odor in your kitchen or in the fridge that you want to get rid of? Then you need orange peels. Simply boil some and add cinnamon mint for air freshening purposes. Another alternative is to burn dried orange peels.

Boosts the respiratory system

One important feature of orange peels is their cleansing effect. They tend to break down and remove congestion, especially in the lungs. This characteristic is utterly important in ensuring steady breathing and, therefore, improved respiratory system. Moreover, the peels are packed with pectin, enzymes, Vitamin C and fiber. Vitamin C play a significant role in boosting the immunity thereby averting respiratory disorders like cold and flu.

Improves the skin health

Orange peels have beautification properties on the skin, owing to the vitamin C present in them. They improve the health of the skin and give it a natural glow and suppleness. Once dried, the peels can be crushed into powder and made into a paste by adding yogurt or honey before applying on the skin. Use the paste for twenty minutes before rinsing off.

Improves digestion

As mentioned earlier, orange peels are rich in enzymes, vitamins, and fiber that are essential for digestion. Fiber, for instance, is known to avert constipation.

Aid in losing weight

You may have read a lot of literature on ways of losing weight and got confused. Maybe it is time you changed tactics and try orange peel tea. They are known for aiding in shedding a few pounds. It is easy. Add a tablespoon full of dried and crushed orange peels in a cup of hot water, stir and let it stand for a few minutes. You may want to add honey to add taste.

In as much as you may consider orange peels useless and throw, they have a lot of health benefits. you squeeze these benefits rather than throw them away.

Tips To Stop Smoking

no smoking

Quitting smoking is a daunting task that involves breaking a habit. To deal with it accordingly, you need to withdraw any symptoms that would make you crave for nicotine. There is no short cut to giving up smoking and it takes a lot of power to do so.

Tips on how to quit smoking

More exercise


Research shows that exercise is one of the best way to kill your cravings. When you quit smoking, you tend to have more energy which if not used well is risky as you get back to smoking. Use that energy to go for and get enough fresh air.

Change drinking habits

For most smokers, cigarettes goes along with lunchtime beer or morning coffee. It is easier to break the smoking habit if you can break your daily routine. May try changing the beer you drink. Instead of morning coffee resort to tea in the morning. This helps remove your perception of the association between your drinks and cigarettes.

Give away or throw cigarettes

A day before you let go, endure you remove all the packets of cigarettes you had left, lighters and anything that will remind you about smoking. Give them out or throw them to avoid temptation of smoking. The more you keep them away from you, the more you resist the urge when you crave.

Have a strategy


The craving for nicotine normally lasts for five minutes before starting to fade off. Find a way of distracting yourself for these five minutes. You can eat mints, make a phone or take a short walk.  It is all about occupying yourself as you wait for your craving for nicotine to wear out.

List your reasons for quitting

Make a list containing all the reasons you have why you are taking that step to quit smoking. This will give you some reference any time to feel like lighting a cigar. You can list reasons like money, health or family.

Change your diet

Cigarettes tend taste better when you have eaten heavy, flavored foods and boring after having sweet foods. A research indicates that smokers smoke less after having a fruit or vegetable. Changing your diet will be very helpful in combating smoking.

What you gain when you quit smoking is beyond just health. It means you will better yourself and save money too. It may seem quite difficult for you but these tips will help you a great deal.